Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Autumn Walks

I've had some fantastic Autumn walks recently. We're very lucky in South Wales being so close to the sea, yet equally close to countryside, forests and mountains. I try and go for a walk everyday by myself, exploring parts of Cardiff and Penarth that I haven't been to before - they say the best time of day for a walk is lunchtime in the Autumn and Winter, to help combat the seasonal blues!

So here are some recent adventures - firstly, a walk by myself along Penarth's seafront, and up to the cliff top. It was incredibly windy, and the sea was so rough it looked like it was boiling. I was also saddened to see some old buildings ready for demolition - I think they must be Victorian, like the pier, so it's especially sad to see something of that age left to crumble.

Photos, from top: Autumn Street and the Victorian Pier; Seafront promenade; Choppy seas around the Pier; Crumbling Victorian buildings; More crumbling; An art-deco building safe and sound and currently an Indian restaurant and a post office!

(click on photos for a larger view)

On Sunday we had a trip to Aberthaw, a rocky beach close by, that has a power station on one end of it and beautiful views on the other! It was such a glorious sunny Autumn day, really breathtaking. My beloved and I took sandwiches and a flask of tea, and sat like old people enjoying the bracing sea air. This isn't an outfit post - I was just wearing casual Sunday attire suitable for rock-hopping, i.e. cuffed high-waisted jeans, a pair of 10 year old Skechers, a long cardigan and my boyfriend's flat cap!

Photos from top: Fields behind the beach; Seaweed rocks; A wild pony on the grassland; Aberthaw beach; Patterns in the Sand and my beloved's favourite rockabilly jeans and boots; Me!

I hope you're all managing to get out in the fresh air - resist the temptation to hibernate!

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