Tuesday 8 December 2015

DIY Update

My post last week on vintage inspired Christmas decorations was a bit of wishful thinking, as we don't have any decorations up ourselves yet.  There's a bit of a DIY saga behind this.  Do you remember the great pre-Christmas DIY debacle of 2014?  No?  Let me remind you.  It was the day before Christmas last year, and our living room looked like this:

Christmas spirit

Thankfully, that story had a happy ending, with my now husband working through the night to get the Christmas tree up and clear up all the DIY mess!  This year, with less than three weeks to go until Christmas, you'll be astounded to see that our living room looks like this:

DIY floor


So once again, we can't put a Christmas tree up, because we still don't have a proper floor yet.  That shiny surface is the floor levelling compound, it's something you don't need to know about and I know far too much about.  I hasten to add, our floor hasn't been a building site all year, it's only recently been uncovered so that work on it could resume.

You might be thinking, "Don't those people learn anything?!", and this would be a valid point.  All I can say in my defence is that it's been a busy year, what with starting a PhD and getting married, and now that the whole wedding thing is finally out of the way it seemed time to turn our attention to more essential home DIY tasks.  We couldn't start work on the floor again until the radiator pipes were moved, and that took longer than expected.  Three weeks until Christmas seems like plenty of time to put down the floor levelling compound, followed by laying parquet blocks, then sanding it all down, varnishing it and waxing it...

Will Christmas come to our house this year?  Wish us luck!!


  1. Oh dear... Will they ever learn :P as long as it's done by April, you'll be fine ;) xx

    1. We'll try!! Actually leaving it until after Christmas now xx

  2. Oh yeah, I know all about levelling compound.
    Don't worry, it'll all come together in the end, although we've been in our house for ten years and it still isn't finished - DIY or travelling - no competition! xxx

    1. There's always so much else to spend money on isn't there? Travelling is such an important thing for the soul xx

  3. Wow. Hats off to you guys for tackling something like this. I wouldn't have the stamina or guts.


    1. Plenty of guts but we'll see how the stamina holds out!! Xx

  4. Oh, I do actually remember last year and thinking that looked pretty stressful! Hope it's going smoothly for you. :)

    1. It was stressful last year so we are leaving the rest until after Christmas now! Xx

  5. Oh my goodness! Seems like there's always something to do around the house. I can't wait to see the finished product. :]

    // ▲ itsCarmen.com ▲

  6. Oh no! But needs must, and another Christmas always comes round very quickly!!! Merry Christmas!

    1. Thanks lovely, Merry Christmas to you too xx

  7. Good luck! I'm sure you will have a great Christmas, whatever the floor looks like.

    We had to use levelling compound in our kitchen. (Like Vix, our house still needs loads of work as we prioritise travelling over DIY.)

    1. Thanks Mim! I am beginning to think a holiday might be nice... xx

  8. Good luck with the home renovations! We decided to forego decorating in the house this year ourselves... 2015 was a tough year and I just have not been in too much of a mood for holiday festivities. I did however do some decorations outside of the house which took all of 15-20 minutes and it looks great (if I do say so myself)... I put a wreath on the door, and some pre-lit garlands up around the outdoor entry way. It's a great way to do just a touch of decorating when you don't really have the space, time, or like me, feeling to do much with decorating. It might be a good alternative for you this year... outdoor decorations, if the indoor decorations can't go up in time.

    1. Great idea, now if I can find some light up reindeer for the front lawn! Xx

  9. Best of luck! I really admire how much (DIY) you guys tackle doing to your own abode.

    ♥ Jessica


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