Sunday 13 December 2015

Vintage Trifari Necklace: Spurge vs. Steal

A year or so ago I was very excited to find a mid-century Trifari necklace in a local charity shop for just £1.  When I was going through the 2014 John Lewis Christmas catalogue, I gasped when I turned the page and saw them featuring a gold and pearl Trifari necklace from their original vintage range.  Three strands instead of two, and in a different design, but not a million miles away from the one I'd bought.



£325?!  I know it's a stunning piece, but is it really worth £324 more than mine?  I'm sure whoever bought that necklace in the catalogue loves it, but I'm quite happy with my £1 version, and to be honest I do get a bit of smug satisfaction that I didn't have to fork out £325 to buy it.

As you can see, mine has lost a few of the pearls - I've got one or two of them and need to glue them back on, and find replacements for the others.  But I'm still not ready to swap it for anything else.  There's something about the process of finding things, finding treasure in amongst the tat.  It feels sometimes as though you, and you alone are meant to find that necklace, or that bag, or that little scarf, and bring it home.  I find it far more thrilling rummaging through the rails at a jumble sale, than walking around a high-end vintage boutique, where I'm out-priced, and someone else has already had all the fun of the discovery, the repair, and the bringing back to life.

Do you love the thrill of the hunt?  And the risk of coming away empty-handed?  Or would you rather just stump up the cash and let someone else do the work?

Just to let you all know that I'm taking a blogging break for a week now.  Too many deadlines, not enough time!  I will catch up on reading all of your lovely blogs on my return, and respond to comments then also.  Wishing you a good week!


  1. I think it helps that you have The Eye - I wouldn't find the treasures! Great find though, it's super pretty. Hope you get everything done that you need to. Just one more week of work for me... xx

  2. Brilliant find, such a gorgeous necklace!!! I'm not really that great at the hunt I must say. Not in person. Online is another story. I will search sites for hours to find a gem. Such a sense of achievement about finding treasure!

  3. I totally love the thrill of the hunt - although I easily get frustrated, or am looking for something too specific that I will never find or doesn't exist anymore! I love your necklace and your post about it!

  4. Oh no...I agree that the thrill of the hunt is why thrifting is so exciting. It truly is the best treasure hunt.

    What a wonderful piece! No doubt you are proud of your find. I'd be walking around with the magazine showing everyone I met! LOL


  5. I love the hunt! I do like vintage shops and fairs too, but nothing beats the excitement of finding something unusual (and potentially valuable) for next to nowt at a car boot or in a charity shop.
    We've got a vintage Trifari brooch in the shop at the moment, I've been sorely tempted to buy it but perhaps I should bump the price up and see if we can get a bit more money for it instead! xxx

  6. I'm totally with you. There are some things that are worth spending a lot of extra money on, but a slightly different necklace isn't one of them. The one that you got for just 1 pound is really lovely, and like you said, the thrill of the hunt is part of the reason why you love it so much.

  7. John Lewis put ridiculous prices on their vintage jewellery, I remember looking at it on their website once and being astonished. Your necklace is every bit as nice as that one.

  8. I love your necklace. I actually like yours a lot better than the one pictured. It is so elegant and I love the swooping direction of the leaves. It gives it such a dainty and elegant feel. Such a great find. I'm not good with the thrill of hunt things... I do like to occasionally go to vintage fairs or check out our local vintage shops but I usually prefer my usual online shopping to anything else! I really love having so much at my disposal, plus the ability to compare so many different things out there before buying. I find with shopping at the fairs and vintage shops you really have to buy then at the moment otherwise you lose the risk or losing it forever whether it be because someone else swooped it up or you forgot exactly where you found it.

  9. I think I actually prefer your necklace to the John Lewis one and at a bargain price of £1 who could argue? I love the thrill of finding a treasure and always have that feeling that I was the one that was supposed to find it. It always makes it that little bit more special. xx

  10. I second what Cate said above and prefer yours. As old school looking as this modern, sky high priced option is, there's just no beating the soul and design of 100% genuine vintage jewelry.

    Big hugs & joyful Christmas countdown wishes,
    ♥ Jessica


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