Wednesday 2 March 2016

Gin Review: Hortus London Dry Gin from Lidl

I'm sighing with relief that we're getting into Spring so I can start posting about booze again, as I'm assuming any of you that did 'Dry January' have been binge-drinking over the last few weekends to make up for it.  Budget supermarket chain Lidl often comes up with some interesting own-brand spirits, so I was curious about their Hortus Artisan London dry gin.  As luck would have it, my husband bought me a bottle for Christmas.  Read on for my gin-uine opinion! (sorry)

Hortus gin

Hortus gin

The packaging is rather nice, and hints at the gin being more botanical, which is perhaps a bit of an odd concept bearing in mind that all gins are botanical.  That's what makes them gin.  At first sniff, it smells pretty unremarkable, but not off-putting.  No unusual notes, it's rather at odds with the packaging.

Hortus gin

I always like to taste a new gin neat, just to get an idea of its full flavours without distraction.  I have to say that this wasn't that pleasant on its own, it just tastes like any other dry gin.  I was feeling a bit disappointed, but then made a gin and tonic.  It's perfectly drinkable with tonic, it's a good, standard, G&T.  It's not an exciting drink, but it's a safe, familiar one.

Hortus gin

The next step in my testing is always a martini.  I dressed for the occasion, emulating the wonderful Miss Fisher in this '20s inspired look.  She likes a martini.  Hortus makes a good, dependable martini.  It's actually a very good choice for cocktails, because it's inexpensive, and there's nothing too fancy going on with the flavours to confuse your tastebuds,

Hortus gin

Being Lidl, the price is extremely reasonable - just £15.99 for a 70cl bottle.  I think the packaging is misleading, but if you try and ignore that and imagine standard dry gin packaging, you won't be disappointed.  A great budget gin to have in your cocktail cabinet.

Have you tried Hortus?  What did you think?


  1. I would have definitely expected a flavourful, even unusual gin with that packaging. I like a floral, fruity gin myself. My fav is Butlers gin, lemongrass and cardamom. Delicious. Though a lot of people like only a splash with a dry standard gin.

  2. That packaging is pretty! I've never bought a bottle of gin, I drink it in India (Blue Ribbon - £1.80 a litre!) and occasionally try some of the fancy ones in Wetherspoons but Jon hates it (probably after necking a bottle in his punk past). xxx

  3. At first I was like "WHAAAT, boose from Lidl?!" and then I remembered that Finland is probably the only country in the world where you can't sell anything with over 4,7% alcohol in supermarkets and/or regular stores. Only our little monopolized alcohol shop Alko can sell stronger alcoholic beverages, so we'll probably never see Hortus (or any other drink with over 4,7% alcohol content) hitting Finland. :D

  4. I think it would have to taste like something special for me to like it ;) I can appreciate your outfit though - very classy xxx

  5. Just here to say I like the Miss Fisher ensemble! I think everyone should get dressed up to do their drinking sometimes.

  6. Such a chic ensemble to enjoy a tipple or two in. And what an elegantly gorgeous label on that bottle. I'd happily frame a larger version of it as a piece of wall art.

    ♥ Jessica

  7. I can't say I'd be able to tell the difference between various versions of gin - I just whack in some tonic and lime and guzzle it down! You look most elegant drinking your martini, far more expensive than a bottle of Lidl gin, haha! xxx

  8. Great packaging on this gin! Too bad it was misleading though. Also, I love spying your kitty teapot in the background! <3

  9. I got a bottle of this tonight, really felt let down by the very generic gin flavour, no real botanicals to speak of, pretty bottle, nice lable and cheap enough as an everyday G&T as you said.

  10. I agree. The packaging promises subtle flavours. But there are none. A vapid gin only good for intoxication and showcasing your choice of tonic, which is a good reason alone to visit Lidl as their little cans means you don't need a mortgage to buy Schweppes. Kevin may be Love but he is still very much a Kevin.

  11. A good tonic , Lemon AND lime and 2 ice cubes. Cheers.

  12. Would anyone like to name a better 40% gin for the price?

    1. I'd rather buy Gordons at 37.5%. It's not just about alcohol content, flavour has to be right too.

  13. I tried this just to see what a Lidl gin would taste like and the bottle did sway me.
    To give some context, I actually enjoy most gins from Gordons to Tanqueray to more specialist bottlings of mainly dry gin. The only one I don't like is Hendricks as I feel it doesn't have the juniper kick I like.
    The Hortus was quite disappointing in a Martini. I found it to be harsh with a strange aftertaste. I will finish the bottle with tonic water, but will not buy it again. Shame, as Lidl have some nice wines.
    Like the idea of dressing up prior to pouring a cocktail though. Nice to make an occasion of it ;-)

    1. I wouldn't buy it again either Portia. The packaging fooled me!! I hope you have more success with your next gin purchase - do pop back and let me know if you find any good ones!


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