Sunday 15 May 2016

Birthdays, Boot Sales and BBQs

It's been a busy couple of weeks, with my husband's birthday and mine 6 days apart.  There has been much celebration - a house party, birthday lunches, bbqs and afternoon teas.  On my birthday last weekend it was the hottest day of the year so far in the UK.  I couldn't believe my luck!  For my birthday last year we were at Clevedon Hall, and were also blessed with great weather.  A great improvement on the rainy and cold birthdays of previous years (of which there have been many).

What else could we do on such a beautiful day but go to a sunny car boot sale?  I wasn't in a buying mood but right at the end stumbled across a couple of headscarves for 20p each.  I want to practice tying them in turbans or '40s landgirl looks.  The ones I own already aren't big enough.  Afterwards, we headed to the rocky seaside and set up a barbecue.  I sat under my umbrella and kept applying the factor 30 on the outside and prosecco to the inside.  A lot of the seaside around Cardiff is pretty grey and flat, with a lot of haze on a blisteringly hot day.  You have to go a bit further to get pretty sea that actually looks blue!  We stopped for a few pictures by the marina afterwards as it's a nicer backdrop than the endless flat grey sea.







 Dress: Australian pinup brand (now defunct)
Shoes: George at Asda
Brooch: Vintage, car boot sale (£2 - pricey for me, but it's so darn cute!)
Sunglasses: Cardiff Vintage Fair
Hair bow: Can't remember
Bag: Vintage, car boot sale (£4 I think)
The dress I'm wearing is one I bought many years ago, from a now defunct pinup brand in Australia, one of those one-woman and her sewing machine operations.  It cost quite a bit, and when it arrived the fit was terrible, so I had to fork out more cash to get the top altered.  It still doesn't fit perfectly but it's much better than it was.  I don't wear it very often as it's quite open at the back, which makes it inappropriate for work.  The super light fabric was perfect for a hot day though!
I had some lovely treats for my birthday, a big stack of books, and couple of vintage coats (which are just too fabulous and when the weather turns colder again I will photograph them for the blog!).  I also had some cash, and am torn between a few things in House of Foxy and Vivien of Holloway.  I already bought a new pair of shoes, I wanted something a bit 1930s and found a pair of Hush Puppies that fitted what I had in mind.  As for the lovely birthday cards I received, there was a bit of a theme of glamorous ladies!

It always seems to be the way that when you're particularly busy in your personal life, work becomes very busy too.  Lately work has been intense, there is so much to do and not enough time!!  I normally don't leave the office much, but recently I went to a meeting in London, and this coming week I'm off to Greece for a conference to deliver a presentation (!) - yes, it's a long way to go for just 3 nights and the packed programme means I doubt I'll leave the hotel grounds.  Still, it will be an adventure, and I am optimistically packing my bikini in the hope I will at least be able to go for a dip.  It's one of those huge sprawling hotels that I would never choose to stay in myself, but I guess it has good conference facilities and it is on the beach.  Right, I have to pack for it - it's a dilemma packing something smart and professional for warm weather!

Linking up with: Visible Monday#IwillwearwhatIlikeThrowback Thursdays, Passion for FashionHat Attack


  1. Happy birthday! I want to see the vintage coats!

  2. Such a lovely blue dress! Love your birthday cards, happy belated birthday to! xo

  3. Immensely happy birthday wishes to you both! It's awesome that your birthdays fall so close together. The same rings true for Tony and I, who were born 26 days apart (albeit in different years).

    This is such a classic, beautiful dress. I really like the elegant lines and truly timeless shade.

    Hope you're having a stellar weekend, sweet dear!

    Big hugs,
    ♥ Jessica

  4. Looking lovely! I can see how the front of the dress isn't spot on but the back is so nice, and overall it's so pretty on you I don't think it matters :) you had even better weather than I did, but I can't complain about mine either! Funny how we're both suddenly uber busy, but fortunately for me work is ok, certainly nowhere near as mad as my personal life right now. Today I've bought a new dining set and taken not one, but two rounds of outfit shots (changing in the car and everything, classy!) as I won't have a minute spare next weekend... At some point I'll email so we can properly catch up! xxx

    1. Ha!! I was getting changed in my car too today! Though because I was cold, not for a double-whammy of outfit shoots. I'm excited about all the purchases you must be making for your new place, and yes, let's catch up via email - probably when I'm back from Greece xx

  5. I too was lucky enough to be by the sea on the hottest day so far. Last weekend was a birthday one for us too, in fact May has 6 family birthday's in it so I'm always skint!

    I love the blue of that dress but how frustrating it didn't fit.

  6. Happy Birthday! That purse is amazing. I think I need to apply some prosecco to my inside... ;)

  7. I actually love that dress even if it's caused you some trouble, and that broach goes with it so well.

  8. Happy birthday! The brooch is really cute, well worth the £2. And I'd never have guessed you'd had fitting problems with the dress if you hadn't mentioned it as it looks fab.

    Travelling for work is always less fun that it sounds - I have a friend who works in videogames and his trips never fill him with delight. Still, make the most of Greece. You might be able to get a bit of pool-time, at least.

  9. Happy birthday to you both! So kind of the weather gods to shine on you and let you spend your big day on the beach.
    That dress looks lovely on you, whoever altered it did a cracking job. Breton top or a teeshirt would look great underneath for work.
    Greece! You lucky monkey. Hope you get at least a morning on the beach. xxx

  10. Happy birthday to you and your other half! It sounds like you've had a marvellous time. xx

  11. Happy birthday to you and your husband. My husband's and mine are 15 days apart, and this year we will be going away for a week in September. I love the dress, which is a great colour on you, and the brooch. xxx

  12. Happy Birthday! That dress is really cute despite the issues, looks lovely on you with that brooch. Sounds like a wonderful time, I always love going to the local bootsales here. Love the birthday cards too. I hope you get a chance to take a dip in Greece x

  13. What a wonderful birthday - your blue dress is gorgeous, as are you, and the cookout looks divine. xox


  14. love the dress!

  15. Happy birthday! Love the dress! The back makes this dress very special!

  16. Happy belated! Gorgeous dress! Sorry it was such a hassle to get it, and then get it to fit, etc! At least it's lovely now! XO

  17. Happy late birthday! You look gorgeous - I love the criss-cross back on your dress, it's such a cute detail. Bit of a shame the fit's still not quite how you want it, but it looks fabulous to me.
    Greece, huh? That sounds so exciting! I mean, I know it's for a conference and you're not going to get to do any sightseeing or whatever, but still, it sounds awesome. I hope you get to sneak away for at least a little while.

  18. Sounds like you've been having such a wonderful time. Happy birthday to you!! I love your birthday card collection from this year! So much fun that they ended up being all themed. Great photos too! I love the outfit you chose for your birthday! The back is so unexpected and fun! <3


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