Sunday 22 May 2016

The Imperfect Green Polkadot Dress

Time to play size and fit roulette, the game that Lindybop love to play with their garments.  Today it's a green polkadot dress that I really love, but doesn't fit me very well.  I'm too tall for it - the waist is too high, the skirt too short, and the bust isn't sitting quite right.  I know all of this, yet still I wear this dress.  I love the colour, the style, and when I look in the mirror it doesn't look as bad as it does on camera.  So, I shall continue to wear it.  Because how something feels is more important than how it looks sometimes.

Green polkadot dress
Dress: Lindybop
Shoes: Clarks
Bag: Car boot sale
Sunglasses: Cardiff vintage fair
Brooch: Vintage, car boot sale

Green polkadot dress

Green polkadot dress

Green polkadot dress

Green polkadot dress

Don't misunderstand - if ever a well-fitting version of this dress appears, perhaps by someone like House of Foxy, I will be first in line to upgrade.  In the meantime, there are a few tweaks I can make to help it fit better.  The lining in the top has to go - that's what's creating weird wrinkles across the bust, as it's not stitched down fully.  Also, you can see my belt here slipping down a bit - I have a wider belt that I can wear in future that will work better.  As for the too-short length, I can wear flats instead of heels to help that out a bit.

The rest of the outfit is pretty imperfect too - I love those shoes, but they're not the most comfortable.  I bought the bag thinking it was leather, and it's not.  The brooch has a stone missing.  All of these little not-quite right issues.  I don't mind, because if I waited for something perfect, I'd never buy anything!

Are you determined to wear something you love that doesn't fit properly?  Too big dresses or too small shoes?

Linking up with: Visible Monday#IwillwearwhatIlikeThrowback Thursdays, Passion for FashionHat Attack


  1. Always the downside of being tall, all too often the bust and waist are in the wrong place and skirt too short!

  2. Like you I buy quite a bit of authentic vintage pieces and sometimes you sacrifice a bit of fit. In my vintage pieces I'm willing to do that, if however I buy new I expect the fit to truly fit my body. I often prefer pieces with some lycra in the fabric for this very reason.

    I LOVE the shoes! Are they comfy?


    1. The shoes aren't bad, the leather needs a bit of softening before they're truly comfy. I'll be wearing them around the house a bit! They're called 'Dollar Craze' and come in yellow and beige too. x

  3. I love the dress and it doesn't look bad on you at all. But I guess you're right and will look better on top with the lining gone. I've had that kind of problem too. All in all, there's nothing wrong with a few "imperfections". xxx

  4. "Because how something feels is more important than how it looks sometimes." I so agree with this. It reminds me of when people talk about dressing for your body type--if I'm an apple shape and I want to wear full skirts because it makes me feel like Grace Kelly, I will wear them, thankyouverymuch. :)

  5. I actually think the dress looks great on you (I'd never have spotted the issues unless you pointed them out) and if you feel good in it thats all that is important! Ooh I have those shoes in the Mustard colourway, but have only been able to wear them once as they gave me all kinds of blisters, I still love them though so I might preserver to see if I can wear them in a bit! xx

    1. Aha you have the yellow ones, I ummed and ahed over them and then went for navy! I think mine need breaking in a bit more before I wear them out and about for long days. Luckily they're leather so will soften. x

  6. It's interesting - we're a different height and size but we seem to both have the same issues with this dress in terms of fit. I bought this dress in black to wear to work and I don't mind wearing it, I also find that it looks nice in person! Also, those shoes are fantastic, I haven't heard of this brand before but I wish we had it in Australia because I would love a pair in several colours.

    1. Whaddya mean you haven't heard of Clarks?! British staple brand, been around for 100s of years! It's honestly worth checking out as it's a brand that often reworks vintage shoes from its archives (I have a particularly lovely 1950's reissue) - do you have Zalando in Australia? Or Sarenza? Sites like that often stock Clarks, or maybe try Ebay. That's really interesting to hear that the fit of the dress is still off on you, that must mean the proportions are wrong, it's not just me being too tall!! x

  7. Well hi there pretty lady! I don't think the fit is as obvious as it could be - the main thing is probably the bust, but gee I've lost count of the amount of bust seams I own that don't hit in the right place. And I don't have your height, so I don't understand how t happens! Anyway, hopefully you get to upgrade this dress soon because it's so super lovely on you - that shade of green is your colour for sure. Someone's been shopping in th Clarks outlet site ;) xx

    1. Hiya! Oh yes that Clarks outlet is pretty fab isn't it?! I still stalk Ebay too for styles that I loved and never bought. I think my size is not too bad to find, as it's not the most popular. Who would have thought big feet was an asset?! xx

  8. You look lovely - often, feeling good in an outfit and liking it will ruin one that fits perfectly, or can make one that doesn't. People notice your confidence before anything else. I love the pairing of navy with teal; I'd never have thought of that and it looks great.

    (What sort of stone is needed for the brooch? I might have a spare in my diamante stash.)

    I often wear stuff that doesn't fit properly. I think I'm going to have to give up on tops/bodices with buttons, as no-one cuts for a G-cup. (I always wear a nice bra. If people are going to get glimpses between the buttons, it might as well be of something saucy.)

    1. Heh heh, I love your saucy bra comment!!
      The stone is quite specific, a 4mm round marquise cut blue one - I ordered one but got the shade of blue wrong, it's quite a deep shade.
      It was a new colour combo for me but I did enjoy wearing blue and green together, always worth trying something new now and again. Last time I wore the dress I wore white shoes but I prefer the navy in retrospect.

  9. Yes I've had dresses like this, that just don't sit right on me, so I either re-sell the dress or try and get it altered is some way!

    I do love your dress, I love the green colour! Also love your photos though, such a lovely location! :)

  10. One of my friends has those Clarks' shoes in mustard, she can walk to the pub and back (around 2.5 miles) in them and reckons they're the most comfy she owns.
    It appears that loads of these repro brands are ill-fitting. There was a trader specialising in them at the weekend and Jon, a couple of other sellers and I watched many a customer trying them on and despairing at the fit. Not sure what they use as a model. xxx

  11. I think you look great. Sometimes you have to make things work or work with what you have.

    Because of some health problems I lost quite some weigth over the last year, so many of my clothes are too big. I try to cover things up with safety pins, belts ecc.

    Sometimes I feel sad about it, but I don't have the energy/money/time to get a lot of better fitting garments, so I have to work with what I have.

  12. Such a cute dress! I love the bust design and the contrasting solid top against the polka dot skirt! These colors look great on you too! I can't tell at all about the waist or the length! I do see what you mean about about the bust but thank goodness it seems like it will be an easy fix by getting rid of the lining! All that being said, I do wholeheartedly agree with you that how you feel wearing something can be so much more important than how you look! Though in this case, I do think you look awfully cute in this dress too! :) <3

  13. I love the style, but I feel you on the too-short waist. It's so annoying! I've definitely used the same trick with the wide belt to make it more flattering, because there's really nothing else that you can do. It's so frustrating.
    All things considered, though, I don't think this looks so bad on you. The fix with the bust would probably be a good one, and a wide belt is definitely the thing to do with the wonky waistline, but I don't think the length is that bad on you. The color is really lovely as well.

  14. Oh my word yes regarding their sizing. I think I've detailed my train wreck of an experience with their sizing two Christmases ago, so I won't get all broken record-y here, but suffice it to say, I can totally relate and am genuinely comforted to know that I'm not the only one who has encountered such with Lindy Bop's offerings.

    That is such a wise and wonderful way to look at things. Perfection is hugely overrated and often, anything even close to it is even possible, far from interesting. I love a garment, or whole outfit, with history and character, and really appreciate that you're keen to wear the pieces in your closet with such. Good on you, my dear, good on you!

    xoxo ♥ Jessica

  15. That dress is really amazing, I really like the color and dots.

  16. I must admit to having been disappointed by lindy bop more times than I can count. The fit is always off. Such a shame as they have such cute styles. I wouldn't have noticed the fit issues on you though. You look lovely.

  17. I have bought a polka dot dress recently and it’s so beautiful that I loved taking selfies in it and shared it on social media sites. It helped enhancing my style quotient effortlessly.


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